Book Launch on Victory Day Tuesday 9 May 2017 The Royal College of Defence Studies
book launch was held at the Royal College of Defence Studies in Seaford
House, Belgrave Square, by invitation of Rear Admiral John Kingwell
CBE, the Deputy Commandant. A quarter of the print run of 500 books has
been sold and the guests attending the launch donated £183.15 to TS Venomous, the Sea Cadet Unit at Loughborough.
The book launch was held at Seaford House in Belgrave Square, the home of the Royal College of Defence Studies for 90 years Courtesy of Arthur Charles and Judy Peason
Rear Admiral John Kingwell CBE and Capt John Rodgaard USN (Ret) John Rodgaard and Stephen Barney John Rodgaard and Bill Forster Photographs courtesy of Judy Pearson and Yuriko Oikawa
Above: Reception in the Wardroom of the RCDS with Roderick Campbell son of Alex Campbell, CW Candidate in Venomous, centre facing camera
Below: John Rodgaard signs copies of his book for Christine Urquhart Furre, the daughter of William Urquhart, a stoker in HMS Venomous (1942-3), who flew from Norway to attend the launch Bill Forster, the publisher, is in the centre facing the camera
Take a look inside the hardback edition to see how the new design and larger format has transformed its appearance
"The book does indeed look superb, the first thing I notice is that all
the photographs look so much more clear and light-filled, and the print
and paper quality crisper and clearer as well"
Michel Sangster, son of Lt Tony Sangster RN, HMS Venomous (1942-3)